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About us

Who are we?

Who are we?

In 1981, Excavation Jacques Germain et Fils Inc. specialized in residential excavation.  However, for the past number of years, the company has diversified its business and now includes commercial, corporate as well as condominium complex excavation.

The company is also present in other complementary sectors such as: housing or building extension, demolition, and the transportation of materials.  We have expertise in the area of French drain repair, excavation and refurbishing areas due to the presence pyrite.  We execute civil engineering works for connection to the city’s network and services, as well as commercial snow removal during the winter season.

The company has built its reputation around customer satisfaction by providing quality service and precision in the execution of its client contracts.


Background informations

Background informations

Excavation Jacques Germain Inc. was created in 1981 by its founder, Jacques Germain.  The company began with only two employees and two heavy work-load machinery. Then during the 1990’s South Shore housing boom, the company continued to grow and expand. 

In 2009, the two sons, Nicolas and Olivier took charge of the family company.  Since then, the company has continued to increase its business - and today employs a dozen employees and owns additional machinery to execute more complex excavation projects. 

Thanks to the efforts of its founder, Jacques Germain and to its dedicated employees, the company has established a reputation in its area of expertise.